Submission #1966163

Source Code Expand

(* persistent array *)
module PArray : sig
  type 'a t

  val init : int -> (int -> 'a) -> 'a t
  val make : int -> 'a -> 'a t
  val of_list : 'a list -> 'a t
  val get : 'a t -> int -> 'a
  val set : 'a t -> int -> 'a -> 'a t
  (** [set a n x] returns a persistent array replacing element number [n] of [a] with [x].
     [a] is *not* modified. *)
  val length : 'a t -> int
  val to_list : 'a t -> 'a list
  val iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
  val iteri : (int -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
  val fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b t -> 'a
  val fold_right : ('b -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'b t -> 'a -> 'a
end = struct
  type 'a t = 'a data ref
  and 'a data = Arr of 'a array | Diff of int * 'a * 'a t

  let init n f = ref (Arr (Array.init n f))
  let make n v = ref (Arr (Array.make n v))
  let of_list l = ref (Arr (Array.of_list l))

  let rec reroot k = function
    | { contents = Arr a } -> k a
    | { contents = Diff (i, v, t') } as t ->
        reroot (fun a ->
          t' := Diff (i, a.(i), t);
          a.(i) <- v;
          k a) t'
  let reroot k = function
    | { contents = Arr a } -> k a
    | { contents = Diff (_, _, _) } as t ->
        reroot (fun a -> t := Arr a; k a) t

  let rec get t i = reroot (fun a -> a.(i)) t

  let set t i v =
    reroot (fun a ->
      if v = a.(i) then t
      else begin
        let result = ref (Arr a) in
        t := Diff (i, a.(i), result);
        a.(i) <- v;
      end) t

  let length t = reroot Array.length t
  let to_list t = reroot Array.to_list t
  let iter f = reroot (Array.iter f)
  let iteri f = reroot (Array.iteri f)
  let fold_left f x = reroot (Array.fold_left f x)
  let fold_right f t x = reroot (fun a -> Array.fold_right f a x) t

(* persistent union-find data structure *)
module PUnionFind : sig
  type t
  type class_

  val make : int -> t
  val find : t -> int -> class_
  val union : t -> int -> int -> t
end = struct
  type t = { rank : int PArray.t; mutable parent : int PArray.t }
  type class_ = int

  let make n = { rank = PArray.make n 0; parent = PArray.init n (fun i -> i) }

  let rec find parent i k =
    let j = PArray.get parent i in
    if i = j then k parent i
    else find parent j (fun parent r -> k (PArray.set parent i r) r)
  let find ({ parent } as h) i = find parent i (fun parent r ->
    h.parent <- parent;

  let union uf x y =
    let cx = find uf x in
    let cy = find uf y in
    if cx = cy then uf
    else begin
      let rx = PArray.get uf.rank x in
      let ry = PArray.get uf.rank y in
      match compare rx ry with
      | -1 -> { uf with parent = PArray.set uf.parent cx cy }
      | 1 -> { uf with parent = PArray.set uf.parent cy cx }
      | 0 -> { rank = PArray.set uf.rank cx (cx + 1); parent = PArray.set uf.parent cy cx }

module ClassSet = Set.Make (struct
  type t = PUnionFind.class_
  let compare = compare

let () =
  let n, m = Scanf.scanf "%d %d\n" (fun n m -> n, m) in
  Array.init m (fun _ -> Scanf.scanf "%d %d\n" (fun a b -> a, b))
  |> Array.fold_left (fun u (a, b) -> PUnionFind.union u (a - 1) (b - 1)) (PUnionFind.make n)
  |> (fun u -> Array.init n (PUnionFind.find u))
  |> Array.fold_left (fun s x -> ClassSet.add x s) ClassSet.empty
  |> ClassSet.cardinal
  |> (fun n -> Printf.printf "%d\n" (n - 1))

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task B - 道路工事
User fetburner
Language OCaml (4.02.3)
Score 100
Code Size 3408 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 144 ms
Memory 13696 KB

Compile Error

File "./", line 87, characters 6-248:
Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:

Judge Result

Set Name Sample All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 100 / 100
AC × 2
AC × 22
Set Name Test Cases
Sample sample1.txt, sample2.txt
All 0.txt, 1.txt, 10.txt, 11.txt, 12.txt, 13.txt, 14.txt, 15.txt, 16.txt, 17.txt, 18.txt, 19.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt, 4.txt, 5.txt, 6.txt, 7.txt, 8.txt, 9.txt, sample1.txt, sample2.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
0.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
1.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
10.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
11.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
12.txt AC 2 ms 1024 KB
13.txt AC 2 ms 1024 KB
14.txt AC 2 ms 1024 KB
15.txt AC 53 ms 6144 KB
16.txt AC 52 ms 7296 KB
17.txt AC 52 ms 7296 KB
18.txt AC 52 ms 7296 KB
19.txt AC 144 ms 13696 KB
2.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
3.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
4.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
5.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
6.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
7.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
8.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
9.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
sample1.txt AC 2 ms 4480 KB
sample2.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB